Top school inspector wants phones banned in school

The country's top school inspector says he wants children banned from taking their phones into school.
He says that kids who use their mobiles to text, surf the web or take calls really disrupt lessons.
Sir Michael Wilshaw, from the education watchdog Ofsted, reckons that schools should be punished if they don't stop pupils using their phones.

At the moment, only a few schools ban phones. Most allow them as long as they are kept in lockers or switched off.
But teachers say that they are often kept on and used in lessons.
What do you think?
Do you or your friends take your phones to school? Do people use them in class?
Should phones be banned, or allowed if they are switched off? Or should you be able to use them to help you work?
Whatever you think let use know!
Your comments
"I don't think phones should be banned because if you want to walk home and your mum or dad don't know, they will know after you've texted them."
Fionn, South Lanarkshire, England
"I don't think they should be banned because when teachers don't have calculators you can use them then!"
Abbie, Hartlepool, England
"At our school we're allowed our phones, but we aren't allowed to use them in school. They have to be switched off, in our bag. I think we should be allowed to have them, as we might have a problem when going to/from school."
James, Basingstoke, England
"I think it's a good idea and I agree they really interrupt classes. Go, school inspectors."
Claire, Doncaster, England
"In my school phones are already banned. I don't like it. If your parents are late you can text them. Also it is good as you can always pick up the phone or read a text if it is urgent."
Mia, Essex, England
"I think they shouldn't be banned because I take a phone to school - I go on the bus on my own and I need it for safety reasons. Also, if I have an emergency then it will be handy to contact the school or my family. But if they are turned off and put in lockers then that's fair enough."
Abi, Gloucestershire, England
"I think that mobile phones should be allowed in school for the simple purpose of emergencies. If there's an emergency at home then a mobile phone must be kept on and taken into lessons. Yes, mobile phones do sometimes disrupt lessons but not enough to disrupt the whole class from learning."
Brandon, Lincolnshire, England
"Phones should be allowed just in case you are late for school. But not in lessons, it will disrupt lessons."
Callum, Manchester, England
"I think we should have our phones but only in high school because we might get on the wrong school bus and need to tell our parents or guardian. Or we might have a big piece of homework that you left at home so you need to your mum to bring it or you'll get in trouble!"
Amy, Liverpool, England
"I think that we should not ban phones in schools as it helps children to get hold of their parents quicker than using the phone in the school office."
Amy, Pontypridd, Wales
"Well I think that they should be allowed to be used at break times. I also think that kids should be allowed to use them for research and listening to music in class."
Jon, Glasgow, Scotland
"They shouldn't be banned because at dinner time you wouldn't be able to call people like friends and family if you hurt yourself."
Ben, Nottingham, England
"I think you should [be allowed phones]. Once at school there was a fire and there was a girl inside so I rang her and she told me where to find her and I told the firemen. I think you shouldn't be allowed them in the classroom but you should be allowed them at break and at dinner."
Courtney, Doncaster, England
"I think they're OK as long as you don't use them in class."
Kai, England
"Mobile phones should not be banned. Students can use their phone as a source of protection when walking home. Students would also be able to use their phone for educational uses. And if there are problems at home and your parents need to contact you, then having your phone enables them to phone you and let you know."
SJ Form, RSA Academy School, West Midlands, England
"We should still be able to take them to school, but why do secondary school pupils get to take them in and not primary? Primary schools should get to take them in, switch them off and put them in lockers, trays or coat pockets. Then when it's lunch break we should be allowed to use them."
Ellie, Liverpool, England
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