For the moment, there are no signs on Verizon’s end that this update, build 2.11.605.19, is in the pipeline; we usually see release notes for an update published a week or so before its eventual
release, but no new docs have yet to show on Verizon’s support page for the Thunderbolt.
The changes in store for this update are mostly of the bugfix variety. It should fix some glitches with Facebook, keep your mobile hotspot from spontaneously disconnecting devices, and correct an issue that would pop-up when trying to read Yahoo email. There are a handful of other fixes for specific bugs, as well as some general system stability improvements. It’s apparent that this release includes a new radio image for the Thunderbolt, but we’re not yet sure what’s changed there.
If you feel like checking out this update before it goes official, you can find download links and installation instructions through the source link below.
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